谷歌Ad Exchange上的五大买方之一TellApart: "DSP-OTS" Demand Side Platform on the Side
TellApart是专注为电子商务服务的ReTargeting广告公司,由前 Google 广告部门高管 Josh McFarland 创建,已经获得 1300 万美元投资。TellApart的赢利模式很特别,他们采用人性化的按效果付费,只...
TellApart是专注为电子商务服务的ReTargeting广告公司,由前 Google 广告部门高管 Josh McFarland 创建,已经获得 1300 万美元投资。TellApart的赢利模式很特别,他们采用人性化的按效果付费,只...
以下是其官方博客的内容: Demand Side Platform Launching Real Time Bidding Capabilities in China, India, S.E. Asia & Australia Ma...
以下是ExchangeWire对Brandscreen CEO Julian Tol的访谈: Julian Tol is the Co-founder & CEO at BRANDSCREEN. Here he discusses ...
据美国知名市场营销杂志《广告时代》报道,谷歌已经制定了自家数据交换计划,该计划旨在创建一个针对显示广告的动态流动市场。(*RTBChina推测:DDP 可能是 DoubleClick Data Platform之缩写) 据悉该计划在谷歌内部...
原文来自:AdExchanger Google SVP of ads Susan Wojcicki announced the launch in Q1 of Google Display Network Reserve on last T...
原文来自:AdExchanger AdExchanger.com asked ad industry executives: “What’s your take on Google announcing...
原文引自: http://www.adexchanger.com/agencies/sorrell-rethink-2011/ 以下是来自re:Think会议的观点: Tuesday night’s keynote addres...
以下是转载自微软官方的博客: The Microsoft Advertising Exchange is Open for Business Today, I’m pleased to announce that the Microsoft...