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[谷歌可能近期发布广告定向数据服务DDP] Google's "DDP" Ad Targeting Service on the Way

据美国知名市场营销杂志《广告时代》报道,谷歌已经制定了自家数据交换计划,该计划旨在创建一个针对显示广告的动态流动市场。(*RTBChina推测:DDP 可能是 DoubleClick Data Platform之缩写)

据悉该计划在谷歌内部被简称为DDP,熟悉该计划的高管将该计划形容为谷歌迈向品牌广告巨头道路上最具野心的项目之一。目前还不清楚DDP是何种意 思的缩写,可能是数据发送平台(Data Delivery Platform)、数据构建平台(Data Destruction Platform)。

谷歌并没有披露数据交换产品的上线时间表,但是谷歌高管却简短评价了DDP计划,这预示着部分DDP功能可能在未来几周推出。谷歌显示策略架构师、 DoubleClick前高管兼副总裁尼尔·莫汉(Neal Mohan)表示:“我们正在开发几个项目,但还没有发布时间表。我们的计划是出于综合考虑,除了广告库存还得考虑数据交换,我们将帮助出版商和广告主解 决此类问题。”

谷歌目前统治搜索广告领域,但他们在显示广告领域的资产还比较有限,他们也开始将重点放在了显示广告领域基础设施的构建上。他们目前的资产包括 DoubleClick、Invite Media、Teracent,新收购的网络广告公司AdMeld目前正处于美国司法部的审核中。


Google’s powerful ad network may be in for another rush of expansion thanks to a service known to Google insiders as “DDP.” DDP is speculated to work as an ad targeting service that helps advertisers find niche audiences.

What Is DDP?

While I sadly won’t be able to provide you with what the acronym actually stands for (unless I made a wild guess, like “direct dialogue processing” or “deadly diligent phalanx”), there are some details from Google insiders on what DDP is. The short version is that it’s a data exchange service intended to allow advertisers to sell to a more niche audience. DDP would take advantage of Google’s massive data on shared interests, as well as the company’s expansive reach, to create this targeting network.

According to Ad Age, the targeting would be highly specific, including audiences like “people shopping for new cars or planning a trip, soccer moms in Ohio, or readers of certain sites like The New York Times.” This level of targeting would be made possible through Google’s recorded knowledge of how users behave on sites, and a given user would tagged with a cookie that labeled them as a part of a given interest. This would allow advertisers to display ads even if the user isn’t on a site that is contextually relevant to the exact ad they’re showing.

This will sound very similar to Google AdWords Interests, the recently graduated feature that allows much the same broad targeting within the AdWords network. DDP, while similar in practical effect, is likely to be different in its specific approach, including how it sells data and targeting, but details are scarce. According to Ad Age, “Google declined to comment on the specifics or offer a timetable for a data-exchange product.”

On the record, Google’s VP of Product Management Neal Mohan stated that “there is no timetable,” but “If our vision is a comprehensive one, it needs to contemplate data in addition to ad inventory. […] We are working on initiatives to help publishers and advertisers do just that.”

Additionally, insider sources who chose to remain anonymous indicated that one major debate inside Google right now is whether DDP should charge a percentage or be available as a free service.

Whether DDP comes out in the near future, or under that name at all, it’s certain that Google is looking to get more value out of their data and more frequently target their audiences based on interest. Both the data and targeting fronts have gained a lot from the years of Google’s display ad experience and have a lot more to gain through Google+ and other current Google innovations.

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