All About Programmatic

提问:RTB广告竞价器应该具备那些核心功能?|Q: What are some of the essential features of an RTB bidder?

专家 Benjamin Kneen 回答如下:

Well, the primary benefit of RTB is being able to value impressions individually vs. just buying a block of inventory at once, so dynamic impression valuation would be #1 in my opinion.

Second, you want a platform that allows you to define a desired action or conversion metric and then feed that performance data back into their bidding algorithm so that it gets smarter and more efficient in bidding over time. This isn’t as simple for brand focused campaigns as DR campaigns, but you want to have some kind of indicator of success that you can measure. 

To the point above, you also most likely want a platform that has existing integrations with 3rd party data companies, as well as lots of supply sources in order to maximize your reach, and define and test specific targets.

Finally, and this is often overlooked, you want a platform that comes with knowledgeable and available service and support. RTB is a very new world, and you are going to need help navigating it. Without a doubt, being able to leverage a strategically-minded account person at your bidder translates into significantly enhanced performance, and trains your internal team to be smarter at the same time.

Other things to look for is a strong reporting system, and a self-serve user interface that is simple to use.

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