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电商如何应用RTB?解:Leverage Customer Data to Turn Browsers Into Buyers

Vincent C.译自    原文作者 TellApart CEO, Josh McFarland

  消费者在网络上接触到的信息越多,或者说选择余地越大,做出购买决策就越不容易。而与此同时,作为在线购物交易的另 一方即以网络零售商为代表的众多电子商务网站,随着竞争对手的日益增多,整个市场的竞争加剧,要吸引和获得一个真正能产生订单的顾客也变的更有难度。毫无疑问,几乎每个网络零售商都很关心如何使消费者在他们自身的网站成为顾客,而不是跑到竞争者那里去,那么答案在哪呢?




  1. 看了你网站中的哪些产品
  2. 他们过去在你这里的消费金额(如有)
  3. 他们现在的购物意向有多强烈

   很多类似的、相关的、重要的信息都不断地埋藏在大量的访问行为数据中,日积月累,会形成一个巨大的数据宝藏。可惜,一般的网站分析工具对其中的一些项目 虽然有所涉及,但不够完备,也存在很多局限性。例如,一般的网站分析工具往往是按天汇总数据,数据的实时性不够强,并且使用范围也有限,即便获得了一定的 消费者数据,往往只能做用户群体分析,不能精确到每个消费者的个人情况,使用价值也仅停留在报告的层面上,很难用于即时的动态的广告投放优化上面。

   对于一般的网络零售企业而言,由于在消费者数据分析上的投资不足,实际上是悄悄负担了巨大的机会成本。随着新一代广告投放技术和媒体交易平台的日益成 熟,对于网络零售企业自身的消费者数据的需求也必然猛增。如果没有足够的数据作为支撑,就无法享受到实时竞价、再营销等新一代里程碑式的广告技术的好处, 这等于是将市场拱手让给精于此道的竞争对手了。

  也许你会问,假定我已经有了数据,那么应该如何使用这些数据 呢?这个问题很重要,但不难回答,因为一些最新的广告技术,如实时竞价广告技术(Real-Time Bidding)和日益增多的以消费者数据驱动的广告技术公司和媒体平台(如Google Adexchange、Yahoo Rightmedia)可以帮助网络零售商有效地运用它们。

  以下是关于实时竞价广告投放逻辑的示例:如果经 过数据运算,发现一个在线用户很可能购买一个产品,那么商家就可以采取措施(可以预先设定,并实时执行)对该用户展示相关的、针对用户个人的广 告,搭配合适的时间与合适的网页则更佳。同理,如果经过数据分析(实时的),发现一个在线用户来访多次了,但很难说服他购买,也可以考虑短期先暂停对他投 放更多广告,而把媒体预算用于更有可能产生购买的用户。

  关于用户数据的隐私问题:上面所提到的数据,主要指 消费者在网络零售商网站的访问行为信息,并不涉及消费者本人的身份信息(也无需网络零售商向有关的技术公司提供类似信息)。由数据驱动的新的广告技术将有 效的促进媒体、广告主(如网络零售商)和消费者(普通网络用户)之间的关系。从消费者的角度来看,数据驱动的广告技术,将使他们获得更理想的购物体验。如 在媒体上只看到更符合兴趣和需求的广告,在网站看到更直接找到相关的产品,甚至获得所需的促销优惠。

  综上所述,如果你来自一个电商企业,并且正在考虑如何从今年开始把自己的网络营销做得更加风生水起,希望以上的文字对你能有所启发。如果你非常希望在相关广告技术公司的帮助下马上开始做类似的事情、尝试相关的技术平台,可以联系笔者:qwerjs(at) 请将其中的(at)换成@)。

  备注:本文部分参考了 Josh McFarland, CEO of Tellapart 博客中的文章Leverage Customer Data To Turn Browsers Into Buyers


原文: Leverage Customer Data to Turn Browsers Into Buyers

Online shoppers are more distracted than ever. As the count of e-commerce and comparison shopping sites on the Internet expands daily, an e-retailer’s job of attracting and retaining customers becomes even more difficult. This fierce competition online has left online retailers grappling with how to convince shoppers to buy at their site over competitors’. Fortunately, there are strategies online retailers can use to reach their most valuable customers — and it all starts with using a resource all retailers have, but few understand: their own customer data.

For most retailers, the prospect of figuring out how to tap the stream of anonymous but valuable data shoppers leave behind is overwhelming. Most have difficulty making sense of the data, and most analytics teams are already overwhelmed with staying on top of site analytics alone.

Customer data, rich with the information retailers need to determine the “value” of each visitor — which products they looked at, how much they’ve spent in the past, how interested they are in purchasing now — simply lies buried somewhere in a data warehouse. But not investing in its use is a big mistake because the opportunity cost is high.  For example, making sense of customer data is crucial to extracting more revenue & profit from retargeting campaigns.

If the data shows that a shopper is highly likely to purchase, the retailer can react by showing that shopper relevant, personalized display ads, at the right time and on the right sites. If the data shows the shopper frequently browses but can’t be persuaded to purchase, there’s little sense wasting time and marketing resources to appeal to them. New advertising technologies, namely real-time bidding, and the emergence of data-driven advertising technology vendors, can assist retailers in analyzing & acting upon this valuable, but often unused, data.

Performance retargeting, driven by retailers who make use of the anonymous trail of data their customers leave behind, has changed how everyone (publishers, advertisers and even consumers themselves) connects online. From the consumer’s perspective, these data-driven ads make for a smarter, better shopping experience. No more generic ads for products they’re not interested in. No more ad spam.

With minimal effort, and with the help of advertising technology partners, advertisers can put their own customer data to work as one of their biggest online marketing assets.

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