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[谷歌DoubleClick Search v3在未来将实现搜索广告和展示广告管理平台的完美融合] Google: Life as a search professional is about to get much easier


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

DoubleClick Search began in 2006, a tool
for larger agencies and advertisers running large-scale online advertising
campaigns across multiple platforms. It’s designed to manage the execution of
paid search campaigns and centralize the measurement of performance across
search and display advertising.
Think of search campaign management like an
air traffic control system: directing one airplane to take off from a given
airport at the right time is relatively simple. Coordinating thousands of
airplanes, across many airports is more complex. The same is true of search
campaigns: managing a search campaign is easy, but managing multiple campaigns
and search engines, and comparing performance of search and display strategies,
can be more difficult.

Today at SES New York, we’re giving the
first glimpse of the latest version of DoubleClick Search (version 3), designed
to make these tasks simpler.

We’ve spent the last 9 months talking to
our customers and agency partners about what you want from a search campaign
management tool, and we’ve heard you loud and clear: you want a powerful
solution that lets you manage millions of keywords, across the leading search
engines, from a fast, easy-to-use platform. So we took a look at our existing
DoubleClick Search product and decided to rebuild it from scratch, designing it
to take the activities you do on a daily basis and make them simpler, faster
and more effective.

We are currently beta testing DoubleClick
Search v3 with select partners and will be rolling it out to all partners later
this year. Here are a few ways we’ve made our DoubleClick Search product

We’ve simplified navigation with an easy-to-use, AdWords-like interface and
enabled you make changes to your campaign directly from DoubleClick Search or
directly in the search engines. We’ve also added the ability to upload
campaigns in spreadsheets with up to 1 million rows, and manage campaigns
globally with many language and currency options.
DoubleClick Search now includes powerful filters and labels that allow you to
highlight important keywords. Our revamped reporting features also allow you to
manage where your ads appear with precise position controls, design your
bidding strategy to meet specific ROI goals, and compare how your campaigns are
performing across search and display, thanks to seamless integration with
DoubleClick’s display platform, DoubleClick for Advertisers.

We’ve given you new tools to enhance optimization, including the ability to
view performance data across all the major search engines and a customizable
reporting view so you can focus on what matters most to your business.

Here is a sneak peek at what the new
DoubleClick Search will look like:



(Mock screenshot)


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