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快速读懂Header Bidding,及解决方案案例

2015年诞生的最重要的程序化新技术非Header Bidding莫属。小编能和大家分享的一个重点理解是, Header Bidding不是指针对网页头部第一屏的广告位的竞价,而是真正将多个外部需求方的first look级别的报价和内部广告服务器进行竞价,从而推高CPM收益。对”传统” 基于广告位RTB的冲击是,如果head bidding竞价成功了,RTB广告位的代码连加载的机会都没有。小编赶脚,讨论和规划这个产品,非研发背景的领导们需要有工程师在场,有助于理解。

I. [知乎]国外网络广告中新出的header bidding是一种什么样的技术?其运作流程是怎样的?优劣势有哪些?

【业务上】Header bidding 就是一种允许发布商通过自己的广告服务器将first look的竞价机会对接到多个程序化交易的合作伙伴上。
【技术上】就是在发布商的网页头部放入需求方的javascript tag,在页面展现时,会在进行实时传统的RTB请求前,先向这些已经加入流量头部的需求方发送请求。


【同义词】Header bidding, Pre-bidding, Advance bidding, Holistic yield management and tagless integration


III. 列举6家国外Header Bidding方案, 直接贴上来。除此外据悉DoubleClick也有方案,值得研究。

#6 – Amazon

Amazon has one of the most widely used header implementations, and they claim their strength comes from their ability to innovate and work at scale. They are standardized in a sense that they return a uniform count of bids per page. Amazon’s Header Bid Solution implementation presents some nuances. For instance, you’ll see ‘7×9’ as shorthand for 728×90.

Amazon offers heavy retargeting demand, though they are picky and prefer to work with private exchanges.

#5 – CPX Brealtime

More demand means higher yield.  Brealtime makes the process easier by providing APIs and aggregation. Site speed can be an issue with header bidding but Brealtime has devised a solution to address this: timeout threshold.

How Header Bidding Works

#4 – Index Exchange

Index Exchange’s header bidding takes about 200 milliseconds or less. According to their study, header bidding outperforms waterfall ad rates by 166% in open exchanges, 46% in private exchanges. Between Q1 and Q2 this year, Index Exchange data shows 68% growth in header tag use among publishers.

#3 – Sovrn

Sovrn just released their Header Suite to publishers as of December 3, 2015. The tool allows publishers to choose the solution that fits their needs:

  1. Header API – for those using DFP as the decisioning/auction machine
  2. Header Code – create the tags straight from Sovrn’s meridian platform for DFP
  3. Header Adaptor – for the open source code project, Prebid.js
  4. Header Complete – Meridian’s complete integration solution, including 3rd party. This won’t be available until January 2016.

Sovrn’s strategy is to put the control back into the hands of publishers. You can learn more at

#2 – Yieldbot

Headquartered in New York, Yieldbot was among the pioneers of header bidding technology in 2011. To date, they have completed about 750 integrations. Last November 10, 2015 they announced the launch of Pubfood.js, an Open Source Software (OSS) that empowers publishers to understand, manage and easily measure bid partners.

How Header Bidder Networks Work 2

#1 – OpenX

OpenX has access to a wide range of advertisers and offers one of the best header bid solutions to date. An increase of 57% in programmatic revenue was claimed by Townhall Media when they started using OpenX’s header bidding technology to sell ads on their site.

The entire process is a breeze. Publishers must meet the main requirement of at least 100 million ad impressions per month to qualify. They’re hands on with their implementation.  It begins with a call, at which point you provide them access to DFP. They then set up line items and orders.  You provide them a test page with the header script implemented and once they approve, you can push it live and watch your revenues rise dramatically.

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